You’ve put in the time, and you’ve done the work. Are you ready for that job promotion? Jennifer Bridges, PMP, shows you what to do to earn it. Here’s a screenshot of the whiteboard for your reference. In Review –…
You’ve put in the time, and you’ve done the work. Are you ready for that job promotion? Jennifer Bridges, PMP, shows you what to do to earn it. Here’s a screenshot of the whiteboard for your reference. In Review –…
Maybe you’ve micromanaged, but have you ever been micromanaged? It’s not that fun. Jennifer Bridges, PMP, shows you what to do. Here’s a screenshot of the whiteboard for your reference. In Review – How to Deal with Micromanagers Jennifer said…
Preparing for an interview is about getting in the right head-space. Imagine you are a performing artist about to take the stage. You only have one shot to show off your best features, make a connection and leave a lasting…
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You work hard and deserve a vacation, but the thought of returning to an avalanche of work is keeping you at your desk. Jennifer Bridges, PMP, shows you how to dig yourself out quickly. Here’s a screenshot of the whiteboard…
Everyone gets bored sometimes. But at work there is always something to keep you busy. Jennifer Bridges, PMP, helps you get over boredom at work. Here’s a screenshot of the whiteboard for your reference. In Review – What to Do…
What a time we live in; there are so many choices. We are experiencing freedom unlike any other in history, where we can pick exactly what we want and when we want it. But, too much choice can be overwhelming,…
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The business obsession with the bottom line, making more profits quarter after quarter, often neglects a fundamental aspect of productivity: downtime. Working is like exercise, if you keep working the same muscles nonstop, you’ll be too exhausted to get strong…
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Office etiquette might sound like an old-fashioned concept, and perhaps it is, but that doesn’t mean it’s antiquated. Good manners have a purpose. They provide a social roadmap and foster a culture of respect where people on the job can…
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The mind is the instrument we use to perceive and process reality, but sometimes it can’t be trusted to act on its best behalf. How can we trust ourselves and our senses to lead us accurately and without bias? That’s…
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Some people excel at job interviews, and then there’s the rest of us. The truth is, you are being judged, and it’s normal to feel anxious when you’re under the spotlight. So, given these stressful circumstances, how can you relax…
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Do you resist taking a vacation because you’re scared that something will go wrong in your absence? You need a break without stress, and Jennifer Bridges, PMP, shows you how to prepare for a vacation, so work-related problems won’t intrude…
As business and social lives become more casual, there’s a danger that professional communications are less clear and effective. To make sure you don’t ruin an opportunity by making a bad impression, Jennifer Bridges, PMP, has these phone etiquette tips….
If you’re asking yourself, “Should I quit my job?” then it sounds like you’re ready for a change. But how do you know for sure? Jennifer Bridges, PMP, shows you how to decide when it’s time to quit your job…