Planning an event can range from a meeting at work to a convention and everything in between. It’s another project where you have to manage time, cost and scope (and don’t forget quality) to deliver on a deadline. Using planning…
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Planning an event can range from a meeting at work to a convention and everything in between. It’s another project where you have to manage time, cost and scope (and don’t forget quality) to deliver on a deadline. Using planning…
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Before you can accomplish your project goals, you need to plan how to reach them. A work plan creates a clear path project teams can follow to reach their desired goals and objectives. Along that path will be resources, constraints…
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The operations of your business can be defined as the sum of all the daily activities that you and your team execute to create products or services and engage with your customers, among other critical business functions. While organizing these…
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Every company needs a plan to determine how it will operate and position itself in the market. This is known as a business plan, which is one of the most important business management documents. What Is a Business Plan? A…
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Both projects and business processes consist of a series of activities that need to be planned, scheduled and tracked. A workflow diagram is one of the tools project managers and team leaders can use to map out tasks and workflows….
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As a business grows, it needs to look at new processes or ways to improve the processes it has in place. Maybe the company wants to scale and sustain its growth or increase productivity and efficiency. Whatever the objectives, process…
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Project managers know the critical path. It’s the longest sequence of tasks that must be completed to deliver the project, and these tasks are referred to as critical activities. Delaying any of them delays the overall schedule. A CPM schedule…
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Manufacturing requires the right balance of many factors. One of the most important is inventory management—the materials and components needed for the manufacturing process. The more efficiently a company handles its material requirements, the more profit it will find. And…
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One thing is certain: change is going to happen in your organization or project. To best plan and respond to change, first, a clear definition of change management must be understood. What Is Change Management? The term change management refers…
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Have you ever looked at a bridge, building or structure of any kind and wondered, “how did they do that?” They did it with construction management. Construction is, of course, a project, one that tends to be long, complex and…
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Great projects often start with great hopes and expectations. But if the project initiation phase isn’t successful, the project can drift off course and head for disaster. You must anchor your project at the outset by providing it with structure….
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Businesses need to balance their product supply and customer demand permanently. But how do you meet demand and not overstock your inventory? That’s where a process called demand planning comes in. It’s a way to boost profits and minimize overhead…
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Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method (CPM) are both useful tools when planning and controlling a project. PERT and CPM are complementary and both are important analytical techniques in project management when managing tasks. There are…
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