But they said it would only take two days… There are many reasons why there is such variability in estimating project tasks, from inexperience to optimism. Good estimates tell you how long a project task will take, but not everyone…
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But they said it would only take two days… There are many reasons why there is such variability in estimating project tasks, from inexperience to optimism. Good estimates tell you how long a project task will take, but not everyone…
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Projects are made up of documents. Some are more user-friendly than others. One that can be troublesome is the Statement of Work (SOW) document. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a hassle if you had coupled a law degree with your…
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Scheduling is one of the first and most important aspects of getting your project started on the right track. In the following video, Jennifer Bridges, PMP, explores the right way to schedule a project’s activities, estimates, dependencies and resources. Here’s…
Testing is important for the maintenance of quality of your project, and this short tutorial video explains three reasons why and how not to derail the testing phase of your project. Here’s a shot of the whiteboard for your reference!…
Reporting takes time, but that is time well-spent, if you’re a project manager. That doesn’t mean you might be overcomplicating the process. To learn how to make project reporting easier, watch the following training video with our own Jennifer Bridges. Here’s a…
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Go to the library or book store and you can get lost in the stacks of books devoted to motivating team members. Books are good, but managing real people on real projects is better, and that skill requires a fluidity…
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The myth of the lone genius is just that, a myth. Nothing is done in a vacuum. It takes collaboration to create innovation. Of course, that means good collaboration, which includes transparency, high-performing teams and the right tools to help…
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In this video, Jennifer Bridges, PMP, talks about tips for building relationships to help project managers work more effectively with their project management board. In Review: How to Manage Your Project Board Jennifer noted the often adversarial relationship project managers…
In this video, Jennifer Bridges, PMP, outlines how to find the critical path on your project. In Review: How to Keep an Eye on Your Project’s Critical Path The critical path is one of the more important tools used by a project managers,…
In this training video, Jennifer Bridges, PMP, illustrated how projects benefit from collaboration, by offering best practices in cultivating collaborative skills, how to leverage opportunities and ways to improve results. In Review: How to Collaborate on Projects As Jennifer said,…
The job description for a project manager is almost endless, but leadership is a constant theme. While there are many people who claim to understand and teach leadership skills, the truth is that being a good leader is part art, part…
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Reporting is a strange thing. Generating a report for your project is crucial, but to create the more effective and relevant report is almost like alchemy. It is part art and part science. Reporting is communication across the organization. A Price…
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Effective project reports are going to make your projects more effective, and this video offers you several best practices to apply to your project reports to be a better project manager. In Review: How to Write Effective Project Reports Jennifer…